I’m thrilled to announce that Pencils.com is #Blogchat’s sponsor for November! Pencils.com sells fine pencils and other tools for the artist and writer, so I was thrilled when they decided to sponsor #Blogchat! Please follow them on Twitter and you can also read their blog which features some stunning pencil artwork, incredibly detailed!
Now to tie in with Pencils.com sponsoring #Blogchat in November, we’re going to make the theme of #Blogchat this month be on creative writing! It’s a natural fit for both Pencils.com as well as #Blogchat!
(Cue late-night informercial voice) But wait….that’s not all!
This Sunday will start the month with a bang by having Kerry Gorgone join us as special co-host! Kerry will be discussing a topic that’s always been requested among the #Blogchat community: Disclosure rules for bloggers. In addition, she will also be discussing how to protect your creative works! In fact, look for a guest post from Kerry here later today that gives you some tips for what to do when you see that someone has taken your post and is using it on their blog.
Here’s the topics for every week in November:
November 3rd: Disclosure rules and protecting your creative works with Kerry Gorgone! Again look for a guest post here later today from Kerry on this topic!
November 10th: The creative process. We’ll look at how we write our blog posts, and also look at the digital and analog tools we use in the writing process.
November 17th: Guest posting. We’ll discuss how to get guest-posting gigs as well as how to bring on people to guest-post on your blog.
November 24th: OPEN MIC! No set blogging topic although I will probably have some questions about finding creativity in our writing in line with this month’s theme.
I’m really excited about this month because we’ve never had a theme for the entire month, especially not with a sponsor. But the topic of creative writing is such a perfect fit for Pencils.com since they are literally selling the tools that help us create our own works of art!
BTW if your company wants to sponsor #Blogchat in December, here’s all the details as well as the price.
See you this Sunday and don’t forgot to check back in a few hours for Kerry’s guest post!
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Excited to be part of tonight’s #Blogchat, Mack! Looking forward to it.