As some of you have discovered, I’ve added the LiveFyre comment management system here at This comes after seeing both Gini and Beth add it to their blogs, and rave about how it works. Also, I was really sold after seeing how Gini’s readers (she’s been using it for about 7 months now) love it.
The Livefyre system will make it easier to facilitate actual conversations in the comments. When I set up this blog I specified to have comments be nested, but it doesn’t always work. Livefyre should take care of that problem.
Also, it adds a Like button to comments, which is great and most of us are used to seeing this on other blogs and Facebook. And speaking of Facebook, you can also post your comment directly to Facebook AND Twitter when you leave it.
I really am excited about this system, and I am only adding it because I think it will help you. So please try it out, kick the tires, and let me know what you think. If you hate it, it will be gone. If you love it, it will never leave. The heart of this blog has ALWAYS been your comments. Anything I can do to make it easier and more valuable for you to leave comments, is what I want.
So give it a try, and let me know what you think! Also, here is Gini’s review of LiveFyre.
Oh and PS: Jenna Langer is head of Community for LiveFyre, and she was kind enough to attend the Live #Blogchat at SXSW! Thanks Jenna!
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I have been thinking about adding livefyre to my site ever since seeing it on ginidietrich ‘s site, However, I have not pulled the trigger yet because I really like the CommentLuv system which doesn’t work with livefyre yet. I hope that they implement it soon – hint hint.
@SoloBizCoach ginidietrich We do get that request a lot, so we’ve added it to our development schedule. The feature should be live in the next few weeks. We’re here to make sure that we build the best comment platform possible for commenters and bloggers alike, so keep the feedback and feature requests coming!
Hey Mack, we’re so happy you joined the network! I’m looking forward to all the discussions that will continue to unfold on your blog, and I know your community will have some real fun with social, real-time conversations. See you in #blogchat tonight!
Uh-oh, you’re right, there’s no Comment Luv now, I didn’t even realize that!
@SoloBizCoach ginidietrich Uh-oh you’re right, there’s no Comment Luv available! I didn’t even realize that!
@jkretch @SoloBizCoach ginidietrich Ok glad you are adding Comment Luv, that will definitely help get more converts to Livefyre 😉
Woot, this looks sweet Mack, I was a fierce Disqus user so far, but really see the benefits of livefyre here.
Definitely consider switiching thanks for the review!
@LeoWid Thanks Leo! I always have had problems loading Disqus, have never had problems with LiveFyre. Hope you like it!
I think you’ll really love it. The ability to pull in people from the outside (hey bethharte ! I’m talking to you!) is amazing. Watch your community build on itself because of this tool.
@LeoWid The only thing I can find that Disqus has that Livefyre does not is the CommentLuv. But I think Livefyre features outweigh that one missing element.
@ginidietrich bethharte Gini the only thing I have found that I don’t like (other than Comment Luv, but Jenna says that’s coming) is that when you click your name in the comments, it takes you to your Livefyre profile instead of directly to your blog like a normal comment. Otherwise, I am sold on Livefyre so far 🙂
I’m a huge fan of livefyre. I’ve been using it for a while now on all my blogs. The tool is sleek and easy to use. It’s only improved since I first signed up a while back.The team is the shit and their support is amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better comment system.
@DavidSpinks Interesting thoughts, let me test it and see how it goes. I tested it last time, hated it at first lol
@LeoWid Like you Leo, i am a huge supporter of disqus too. Although I plan on going back to wordpress comment system + commentluv
@AskAaronLee It’s definitely different from what we’re used to on blogs. But I think it’s more natural, and they’ve come a long way in a short amount of time.
Of all the comment systems, livefyre is definitely the quickest to make improvements.
@DavidSpinks Let me try it again and share with you what I think 🙂
@AskAaronLee @DavidSpinks Aaron what didn’t you like about it? It’s not perfect, I don’t like that they dont have Comment Luv support (they say its coming) and I wish you could click the commenter’s name and go straight to their blog vs their Livefyre account. But other than that, it seems to make commenting easier and ‘more fun’ for people.
@ginidietrich definitely, in my case I never got hooked onto comment luv anyways, although it is a powerful tool.
This is amazing I have to say, I am kept in the conversation without feeling spammed by all other comments, liking it more and more! 🙂
@AskAaronLee That’s an interesting one, yep, sounds like a sound option too Aaron, I am nearly convinced here to give LiveFyre a go 🙂
@ginidietrich @LeoWid Gini, Livefyre not supporting Comment Luv was one of the ‘uh-oh’ moments I had after installing it. But @jkretch added below that it should be added in the next few weeks!
@jkretch @jennalanger I have my first big ‘uh-oh’ moment with Livefyre. Does it work with the Comment Redirect plugin – I checked my analytics, and I have zero hits to my comment redirect page since adding LiveFyre, so I don’t think it’s working with it.
If it doesn’t work with that, I’ll probably have to remove Livefyre. please let me know!
@MackCollier @jkretch Hey Mack, since Livefyre is real-time to facilitate active conversations, there is no page refresh when someone posts a comment so they won’t get sent to that page. I’m going to brainstorm some ways to acknowledge first time commenters, I bet we can figure something else out.
@jennalanger @jkretch uh-oh, yes the key is they need to get sent to that page, that feature is VERY popular with 1st-time commenters. I love Livefyre and the support yall have given me but if there’s not a workaround for that, I’ll have to pull Livefyre till there is.
Looks great.. I’m adding it to my blog tonight and yours was one of the places where I thought it looked good and nested replies always work now..