Hey y’all! Hope everyone is getting ready for a festive Fourth of July! Since tomorrow is the holiday, and not tonight, we’ll go ahead and have #Blogchat tonight (Sunday) at its regularly scheduled time of 8pm Central.
And our topic will focus on creating content for business blogs, and how ‘helpful’ our content should be. Someone asked a question during last week’s #Blogchat about how you promote yourself via your blog, especially if you are a consultant or working for yourself. My quick answer was ‘Give away the WHY, sell the HOW’, but I thought that would be a good topic to expand upon tonight. I think there are two schools of thought here:
1 – Create content that establishes the need for hiring me (Why), and then use the content to get business (Where you teach the how).
2 – Create content that gives away the How, and hope that the content is so amazingly useful that it leads to positive word of mouth, and that leads to referrals.
I think you also need to consider what type of customer/client you want, when you position your content. For example, if I wanted someone to hire me to setup their business blog, I would probably create more content devoted to WHY they need a blog to build their business. On the other hand, if I wanted to connect with clients that are already blogging that need help building engagement, I would probably create more content around the HOW, because I want to establish my expertise in building engagement and community.
I think this will be a very interesting discussion as those of us that use our blogs to drive business often struggle with the proper balance in our content. How much do we promote, versus teach?
So please do join us tonight for #Blogchat at 8pm Central!
Oh! And I promised a very small surprise, didn’t I? As many of you remember, we were using WTHashtag to create transcripts after each #Blogchat up till a few months ago, when WTHasthag had to stop offering that functionality due to a change in Twitter’s TOS. But, before it shut down, I was able to convert over a year’s worth of #Blogchats into PDF transcripts! I’ll be sharing a few of these every week for the next several weeks, so you can use these as additional study materials. Here’s this week’s transcripts:
7-26-09 – Topic: How to Get Sales and Business Leads From Your Blog (Co-Hosted by Amy Africa) – #Blogchat07-26-09TranscriptWAmyAfrica
7-12-09 – Topic: Finding the ROI of your Blogging and Social Media Efforts (Co-Hosted by KD Paine) – #Blogchat07-12-09TranscriptWKDPaine
7-19-09 – Topic: How Non-Profits Can Use Social Media (Co-Hosted by the Red Cross’ Wendy Harman) – #Blogchat07-19-09TranscriptWWendyHarman
Just click on the link for each, and then you can view them, and download if you like. Enjoy!
@MackCollier Hey, I remember asking that question! 😉 I’ll try my best to attend tonight for the full discussion!
@ashleycollins So if it’s an awesome #Blogchat, you get the credit. If it stinks, I take the blame 😉
@MackCollier Sounds like a plan. 🙂
@victorcanada Hey Victor a long time:) #blogchat
Great topic Mack. I’ll be jumping in tonight. The last 6 weeks have been completely devoted to the success of the #DestructoTour and it was really successful. Now I can breath again and I’m happy to be back in #BlogChat. I love that you’re providing old transcripts. Awesome!
@MackCollier have to say ~ the cowboy hat is fantastic! #blogchat
@thehealthmaven Thank ya darlin’! #blogchat
@RobCairns Thanks Rob. Yes, it’s been way too long since my last #blogchat – I’ve been working on the #DestructoTour – ended Friday.
@victorcanada I bet you have been busy #blogchat
@MackCollier Why not try case studies? You explain the problems, explain what you did (VAGUELY,) and the end result. Thoughts? #blogchat
@ValerieSimon Hey Valerie, glad you are here! #Blogchat #blogchat
@JTDabbagian @MackCollier That’s a great point. Giving examples and doin case studies are always great to support ur point #blogchat
@JTDabbagian Agreed with case study approach–allows you to showcase expertise + results w/o revealing your secret sauce. #blogchat
@MackCollier Thanks:) It has been way too long! #blogchat
@wenbryant Well, you still need to be somewhat vague about what exactly you did…can’t give it all away. 😉 #blogchat
@ValerieSimon Missed you a LOT Valerie!!! 🙂 #Blogchat
@tina_yip @JTDabbagian But what if majority of your customer base is at 101-level. If you teach them how, you lose sales? #blogchat
@MackCollier A 2nd alternative…explain just how complex a task in in an entry…then discuss why a specialist (you) is needed. #blogchat
@JDEbberly Why thank you!!! You always make me feel so welcome! Great to see you here tonight! #blogchat
@MackCollier o no i’m not saying that. U can teach, just have the credentials to back up ur thoughts #blogchat
@ValerieSimon I’m overjoyed to see YOU here tonight! 🙂 🙂 🙂 #Blogchat
@JTDabbagian I personally wouldn’t buy that, unless you gave something good away first or already had an established name. #blogchat
@JPlovesCOTTON eeeek just saw that! Thank you so much 😉 #blogchat
@jtdabbagian Agree!!! Show a bit but not all. 😉 #blogchat
Great post @thorstone137! ‘Give away the WHY, sell the HOW’ THis is a must read http://t.co/ivLeZJJ #blogchat
Extraordinary posting! We’re just now getting started in social networking and now we’re trying to understand how to fully take advantage of SMO for mysmall business.
Thanks for the information!