I am so excited to announce that Paper.Li will be sponsoring #Blogchat in December! If you are active on Twitter you have probably seen your friends sharing their Paper.Li pages. It’s an amazingly simple way to curate and collect content from multiple sources. For example, I created a Paper.Li, told it to use the #Blogchat hashtag as a content source, and this was the result. Could. Not. Be. Easier. What I love about this is it’s an easy way for everyone to catch up on the links shared during and after #Blogchat, plus it gives a little more exposure to the people participating in #Blogchat. Which is always a good thing.
So here’s the topics we will cover in December(#Blogchat happens on Twitter each Sunday at 8pm Central):
2nd – Curating Content in the Workplace – We’ll talk about how companies, organizations and small businesses can curate relevant content for its employees and stakeholders, especially blog content. This could be via a new blog, an internal wiki, an email newsletter, a Paper.Li, etc. Also, we’ll talk about how this really helps the company get everyone ‘on the same page’, as far as what type of content to be reading, what guidelines/rules to be following, etc.
9th – Email + Blogging – This is always a fun topic, we’ll explore ways that email can help us grow our blogs.
16th – Creating your blog plan for 2013 – This is possibly the most important #Blogchat we have every year. We’ll talk about how to create a plan and strategy for our blog for 2013. Here’s a hint: A great time to actually create this plan is the last week of the year, when everything is pretty much dead anyway due to the holidays. Why not take advantage of the downtime by creating your blogging plan for 2013? This #Blogchat will help you figure out how to get started.
23rd – Christmas content – We’ll discuss ways we can share and curate Christmas-themed content. Maybe how families can share pictures and blog posts from Christmas morning, how companies can share Christmas videos and pictures from their employees, etc. And we might even share a few Christmas memories from years gone by. Hey, tis the Season 😉
30th – OPEN MIC – This happens the last Sunday of every month. There will be no set blogging topic, so it’s a great chance to ask any nagging blogging questions you have and get some great advice!
I am a big fan of Paper.Li’s Community Manager, Kelly Hungerford. I love Kelly to bits and pieces. She told me that not only will she be joining #Blogchat each Sunday in December, but that most of Paper.Li’s team will as well as they can, including the CEO. Well you might not think that’s a big deal, because as sponsor they should be joining, right?
But here’s the thing: Paper.Li is based in Switzerland, and so is Kelly and the team! The reason why they can rarely join #Blogchat is that it happens around 2am Switzerland time! So Kelly, bless her heart, has been ‘sleep-training’ all this week and getting up at 2am every morning just so she will be used to waking up then, so she can join us at 8pm Central US time on Sunday nights! Kelly and her team will be joining in on our conversations, and they’ve also convinced some of Paper.Li’s top publishers to stop by as well. So if you have any questions about Paper.Li during #blogchat, they will be happy to help out. Otherwise, they will be joining in on our conversations just like everyone else, but we’ll forgive them if they have to sneak in a yawn or two 😉
Oh and finally, Paper.Li has a special offer for you! As a thank-you to #Blogchat, they are giving all new members a free one-month trial of its Pro service! Just click the image at the top of the post, and you’ll see the neat-o welcome page Paper.Li created just for #blogchat, and info on how to sign up and get your free trial (no credit card required!).
So I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in December, and glad Paper.Li will be with us to help close out 2012 with a bang! Happy blogging, y’all!
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This message is for Kelly Hungerford. Mack could you please let her know there is a message here?
You tweeted me that you’d like to hear about my Paper.li experience. I made several positive comments about Paper.li during the chat. But I’d rather continue the dialogue off Twitter a bit.
During the chat, I said that I didn’t see why some people view Paper.li as spam. For my own Paper.li’s I have built Twitter lists for certain topics that produce great results. There are people who actually read my Paper.li’s.
I often pull content from them myself.
I have had a mystifying issue though lately. I was very happy with one of my Paperli’s. People who get mentioned in the auto promotion actually thank me for including them. Then recently, the promotion was posting with often with no one mentioned. Well that totally looks like nothing and is unacceptable so I had to cancel the promotions. My thought was to manually pull some references but after 2 weeks, I am seeing that I never get to it.
You may have recently given people the option to block being picked up in a Paperli promotion. But it is difficult to imagine that so many people would have opted out to cause the pick up to go so low.
Not sure why people don’t want to be mentioned.
Happy to connect with you on Twitter if you’d like.
LInda thanks for adding your thoughts here. If any of y’all are having a technical issue with your Paper.Li or just have a general question about the service, please send an email to [email protected] and they will take care of you ASAP.
Thank you!
Hi Linda,
Thanks for your message and reaching out. We always appreciate the good WOM from our publishers and just the same we want to know when something doesn’t seem to be working quite right!
You’re correct. One reason why mentions may not appear in a tweet is as you cited; because a Tweeper has opted out of being mentioned. There are two other reasons this may happen as well:
1. A tweeper has already been mentioned within the past 48 hours therefore they cannot be mentioned again for a paper/edition until that period has expired, or unless you manually place them in a Tweet.
2. There was a technical issue that prevented the mentions from populating.
I’ll have our team take and I’ll drop you an email with our findings.
Muito obrigada, continuarei na esperança para pagar o meu paper.li pro através de westher union adiantados por 1 periodo de 6 meses o anual assim posso ter ele pago. Não possuo cartão de credito pois não gosto de usar-lo tive uma má experiencia com eles. Por isso tenho que me limitar a enviar o pagamento por whester union. Será que um dia seria possivel…espero que sim ..!! Amo vocês..beijos desde do Brasil
I am very excited to have discovered #blogchat. I blog at DaveGuymon.com and am always looking for other passionate bloggers to connect with. December’s discussion lineup looks very interesting. I can not wait to drink from this fire hose.
Hey Dave, glad you found #Blogchat, I think you’ll love it 😉
Yes it is good i want to do it but send me via email goal of it
Someone sent me a link today,
and I opened my account Papar.li 🙂
Sounds like interesting stuff, I could do with it
Looking forward to develop my web traffic with this!
Looking forward to this #blogchat! Thanks for such an awesome program & all the personal service you extend!
A #GR8 Big #ThankYou for the #promo of my “shared articles” post!! That’s sharing the love!! Muchly appreciated!