Thanks for stopping by, let me give you a quick run-down of what you will find on this site. The information here is divided into three areas:
1 – My blog and social media consulting services. Click here if you want to learn more about my blog consulting services, or here if you want to learn more about my social media consulting services, or here if you would like to learn more about where I will be speaking, or how to hire me to speak at your event. Each page also has my prices for these services, and please email me if you’d like a custom quote, or want to discuss your particular needs. And don’t hesitate to email me if you have a general question.
2 -Social Media Library. Here you’ll find some of the best posts I’ve written on social media over the last 4 years. These were written as instructional posts to help you with your social media efforts, and are organized according to the following subjects: Blogging 101, Social Media Case Studies, Social Media Monitoring, and Twitter 101. I’ll be updating these sections often, so please check back!
Thanks for stopping by!
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Mack – the site looks awesome! I love your ‘Social Media Library’. Great resource for your readers!
Sonny Gill’s last blog post..Ears Plugged
Your site looks incredible. I love all of your great information in one, clean spot. Can’t wait to read through it all!!
Amen Sonny! This joint is jumpin’!
Mack, great to see what you’re doing here. I look forward to seeing where you take us!
Easton Ellsworth’s last blog post..The Unspeakable Power of Calm
Thanks guys! This site is still VERY much a work in progress, and many changes will be made moving forward. And please let me know what you like and dislike, as feedback I get from this site will help me determine what goes into relaunching The Viral Garden.
BTW I love seeing Easton and Sonny’s newest posts with Comment Luv, that was one plugin I could not WAIT to add here 😉
Thanks again guys for the support, and if any of you see anything you’d like to see me change, let me know!
Mack – The new site looks great! It was the first place I went to do some research for next steps.
The new layout looks awesome!
brandiheinz’s last blog post..The 80/20 Rule & Social Media
Mack, I thought you’d want to know that FireFox seems to be causing some issues. Some elements are overlapping others. Has anyone else had that problem? It could be just me. Good luck with the relaunch!
Trish where are you noticing the overlapping? I know there’s a problem with IE6, but I haven’t had time to correct it yet. I am on Firefox and havent noticed anything. Has anyone else had any issues with the way the site is coming up in your browser? Thanks for the feedback!