This weekend I was lucky enough to attend and present at the #SMIATL conference in Atlanta. On Friday afternoon, we did a Live #Blogchat session which was fabulous. We discussed how to integrate blogging into your over-arching social media strategy, and also how to improve your blogging efforts. Around 60-70 people attended the sold-out event, and it was a wonderful experience. Thanks again to everyone that came!
On Saturday I presented a new version of my Think Like a Rockstar presentation, which is embedded below. I am so proud of the fact that the session was very popular with attendees, and the deck on SlideShare has been viewed over 30,000 times in the 1st 48 hours of being uploaded. I wanted to walk you through the deck, but also how I created it and what’s contributed to it being so popular.
First, if you’ve spent any amount of time reading this blog, you know how passionate I am about helping companies better connect with their brand advocates. As a result, this is by far my favorite session and presentation topic. A big reason why I love the Think Like A Rockstar session is because it takes the idea of connecting with brand advocates/evangelists, and frames it in a way that sparks the ‘Ah-Ha!’ moments. When you ask a company ‘Would you like to learn how to energize and mobilize your brand evangelists?’, you might get some blank stares. But if you ask ‘Would you like to learn how your brand can have raving and passionate fans just like Rockstars do?’, then companies tend to get excited.
The deck’s central question is: Why do Rockstars have fans, and companies have customers? If you think about it, most of us self-identify as being a ‘fan’ of any music artist when we download their music or buy their CDs. But when we buy a company’s products, we tend to view ourselves as customers of that company.
As it turns out, it’s because that’s exactly who both groups target. Companies want new customers. In fact, acquiring new customers is the top marketing objective of companies. The problem is, new customers have little to no brand loyalty toward that company. Which also explains why it costs 6-7 times as much to acquire a new customer versus retaining an existing one.
But notice in the above well-drawn graph that companies and Rockstars focus on opposite ends of the customer spectrum. Companies focus the majority of their efforts on acquiring new customers. This is the group that’s by far the biggest in market size, but that also has little to no brand loyalty.
But notice that Rockstars focus on that tiny sliver at the end that represents Brand Advocates (which is a fancy business term for ‘Fan’). Brand Advocates are by far the smallest group, but they also have by far the highest levels of brand loyalty. And then there is this:
So Rockstars are focused on connecting with their fans, the smallest group, but this group has such his brand loyalty that it not only spends more than existing customers, they also refer business equal to almost HALF the money they spend.
Which means that companies are trying to acquire new customers, and spending 6-7 as much versus retaining existing customers.
While Rockstars focus on connecting with their fans, the group that is spending more than existing customers, and they are also referring business FROM those existing customers.
So if Rockstars can figure this out, why can’t most companies?
Now I wanted to talk a bit about what I did to help make this presentation as popular as it has been (which has been SO rewarding!).
First, as I’ve said, I am so passionate about this topic. So in the weeks leading up to #SMIATL, I made sure that everyone attending knew I was presenting Think Like A Rockstar, and that it was going to be a ‘big deal’. The main reason why I was saying that was because I was making a promise to the attendees as well as MYSELF. I spent over 100 hours in prepping this particular deck and rehearsing my talk. Because again, this is my passion project.
Second, I promoted the talk all last week here on in FIVE posts. But each post tied into an element of the talk, so I was previewing the session, instead of just blindly promoting it.
Third, I had some fun with the talk. Since the theme is how Rockstars connect with fans, prior to the start of the talk, I played a bit of a Led Zeppelin concert from 1979. Think about it, how often have you come into a session 15 mins early, and stared at the introductory slide for 15 mins till the talk started? I just wanted to have some fun and give attendees something neat to look at as they were coming in. And of course I tweeted out that I had a little surprise in store if they arrived early 😉
Fourth, my delivery was solid. It wasn’t perfect, but I received many compliments on the session itself. Again, I had 100+ hours of prep time invested, so it had better have been good. The truth is, there’s not a lot of short-cuts here, it’s mostly about putting in the hours.
Fifth, I uploaded the file to SlideShare immediately prior to my talk starting, and scheduled HootSuite to tweet out a link right as my talk ended. Now this I actually screwed up, as I got the time change wrong, and forgot HootSuite was still on Central time. I scheduled it to tweet out at 1pm, when I thought I was telling it to go out at 11am, which was right as my talk ended. Live and learn.
The deck is embedded below, I hope you find it valuable.
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Really enjoyed this!!
Mack – I found my way here via a RT from Amber Avines (@wordsdonewrite) and I’m so glad I could read this today. So many clients, and individuals for that matter, are focused on the numbers and not the quality behind the numbers. (Is it no wonder that 2 out of 5 people who “like” a Facebook brand page end up clicking “unlike”?) Love your “think like a rock star” theme – must have been fun to have been an attendee! Thanks for sharing!
Mack, I am thrilled that I was able to attend SMIATL and your session. You ROCKED out the “school house”! In more ways than one. Last week I had the opportunity to present to co-workers regarding our social media efforts and a co-worker sent this quote to me afterwards. I feel it fits you to a ‘T’:
“Enthusiasm is a sense of inspiration. The word comes from the ancient Greek, meaning “the god within.” It’s connecting to your inner power and bringing energy and excitement to all you do – a feeling of being truly alive and working on all your cylinders. It’s that “little something extra” that puts you ahead of the pack. An enthusiastic person is charismatic — you can’t help but respond to their enthusiasm and catch some of their “fire” as well. And an enthusiastic person is a successful person. As Walter Chrysler, the founder of Chrysler Motors, has said, “The real secret of success is enthusiasm. Enthusiasts are fighters. They have fortitude. They have staying qualities. Enthusiasm is the bottom of all progress. With it, there is accomplishment. Without it, there are only alibis.” ~Rochelle Gordon
Thanks again for #blogchat and for sharing your knowledge with us all.
Your newest ‘fan’!
Sherri Shelnutt
Mack – As a fellow #SMIATL speaker and attendee I can verify that you did indeed knock it out of the park! The prep time invested paid off and, to top it off, your recap post here gives any speaker a great checklist for marketing a presentation beyond just the talk itself. Again, well done.
P.S. Way to get think ahead and get a picture of the room. No image search needed for this post.
@susanborst Thank you Susan, I think too many companies focus on the numbers in general, and not on understanding what MOVES the numbers.
@SherriCapesShelnutt I simply love this. Thank you.
@NickWestergaard Thanks Nick! I should have gotten more pictures of the room, and when it was full. And I was hoping that the screen was showing the concert in that pic, but it really didn’t show up.
Live and learn! Thanks for coming to the session!