Watch this video. Now.
Then forward it to your boss and ask her “What would our business look like if our customers loved us that much?”
Or maybe the better question to ask is, “Why don’t we love our customers as much as Taylor Swift loves her fans?”
Because you don’t. And you should.
I love you Taylor Swift. And it has nothing to do with your music, it has everything to do with how you go out of your way to communicate to your fans that you love them.
Successful marketing isn’t about generating sales, it’s about generating love. Customers that love your company, who it is and what it stands for, and tell other customers why they should love you just like they do. Because generating the love means you generate the sales.
Two points to consider:
1 – I would bet dollars to donuts that Taylor never once thought while wrapping presents to deliver to her fans, “Wait…what’s the ROI of driving to a fan’s house with presents?”
2 – Taylor’s new album 1989 was the top-selling album of 2014.
I can’t help but wonder if these two things aren’t somehow related.
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