It’s such a privilege to be a part of #Blogchat every Sunday night. The community there is incredibly supportive and helpful. People go out of their way to greet you when you arrive, and to help you in any way they can. Especially newbies and people that are joining for the first time.
However, and I believe partly because of the supportive community #Blogchat has, it does attract a few ‘haters’. People that try to tell bloggers that they need to stop blogging. That there are too many blogs, that people don’t need to blog about every little thing that comes into their minds. Basically, they spend the majority of their time telling other bloggers how they are doing it wrong.
These bloggers are the ones doing it wrong. They are the haters. The people that can’t understand why their blog isn’t more active, why their traffic isn’t going up. So instead of trying to contribute to a helpful community, they bash. It’s as if they seem to believe that telling someone else what’s wrong with their blog, will make them feel better about their own blogging efforts.
Ignore the haters. When is the last time you saw a truly successful blogger waste her time going around telling other bloggers how they are doing it wrong? Exactly, the most successful bloggers are usually the ones that go out of their way to help other bloggers, not hinder them.
The people that care will tell you what you are doing wrong, and then show you how to fix it. The assholes will just tell you you are wrong then leave.
Ignore the assholes. You are the only person that decides whether or not you can succeed at blogging or anything else in life.