Last night I was involved in a fabulous #SocialChat on Twitter and at one point we were discussing how companies could learn how to better embrace their advocates by watching how rockstars engage with their fans. We were discussing how brand advocates WANT to take ownership in their favorite brands, but so few brands actually reach out and give them that chance.
I mentioned how Lady Gaga and Harley Davidson both embrace and love their fans. I took a second to check Gaga’s twitter page, and as luck would have it, I saw this tweet:
Love it. This tweet is going in my next version of the Think Like a Rockstar deck. Here’s why I love this tweet:
1 – Gaga gave her fans ownership. She reached out to them and empowered them to have something positive happen, if they acted.
2 – She communicated WHAT they needed to do in order to see the cover early. Gaga’s fans would want to see the cover to her new single before it’s released. Gaga knows this, so instead of just giving it to them, she makes them earn it. Robbin had a great post about this point, and how movements need to be structured so that those involved have some skin in the game.
3 – She communicates to her fans that what THEY want is ABOVE what her LABEL wants. Love that. She’s telling her fans that ‘If it comes down to me choosing between what my label wants, and what you want, then you win.’
And her fans came through, and got to see the cover:
What is your brand doing to embrace and reward its biggest fans?